Let’s cut right to the chase here, heartbreak is brutal and incredibly painful. You're likely in the thick of it right now, which is how you’ve found us. We’re truly honoured to be here alongside you during this difficult tough time.
We want you to know that you’re not alone. We know it might feel that way, but we’re here, and will guide you as best we can through what can be one of the most intense emotional experiences that we face in our lives. We’re totally aware that most people don’t have the capacity to sit with the intensity of the pain you're experiencing, and so, it’s likely you’ve been pushed to “chin up,” “it’s all good, you’re better off without them” or any version of this that minimizes, not only your current experience, but minimizes the significance of the love and relationship that you shared.
It doesn't matter if you were together for 5 weeks, 5 months, 5 years, or even 5 decades — heartbreak is painful no matter how long you were together.
Don’t let anyone try to convince you otherwise.
Be as gentle as you can. You’re hurting. It’s real. Your pain is so, so, so valid.
You’re incredibly brave to be here right now reading these words, you’re already on the road to heartache recovery. Keep showing up for you.
We honour you, we see you and we love you.